2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Red Rock Lake Association
Annual Meeting—July 8, 2023- Held at Runestone Park Pavilion
Members Present: all current Board, plus 59 members, and one guest Speaker (67).

President Gary Waller called the meeting to order at 10:00am, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance. He then introduced the Board Members.

Secretary's Report: Roger McCannon stated that the official minutes from the 2022 meeting are posted on the Association's website (redrocklakeassn.com). He mentioned that this year's 4th of July Boat Parade was very successful with 18 participants, and fun; and,he gave kudos to Jeff & Teresa Ewins for coordinating it. He pointed out thar T-shirts and Sweatshirt orders need to be in by July 12. Also,the new 2023 Directorys were being passed out, or can be picked up from any board member.
Treasurer's Report: Todd Fick reported the following: Checking-$3,494.99,Savings--$3,119.20, Walleye Stocking Fund~$l,530.26. Total-$8,144.45.
Guest Speaker: Lily Carr from Minnesota Lakes and Rivers gave a presentation on the Lake Steward Program and other programs from their organization. She discussed AIS, Shoreline Restoration and possible grant writing assistance from their director, Jeff Forester.
President's Report: Gary covered many current topics and projects including carp removal where he noted that a funnel-style trap was installed in the out-flow culvert which has proven successful where carp can go through it, but can't get back; walleye stocking—the Association paid $3,600 for 6,000 fingerlings in October 2022, with the Brandon Sports Club reimbursing us $500 along with other individual contributions. Gary thanked all the contributors and stated we will continue to fundraise to stock on even years (as the DNR stocks on odd years.)
Q & A: A member brought up the subject of the water level on the lake being low. It was discussed that the level comes from snowpack and runoff and recedes through an outflow culvert. Natural evaporation and lower amounts of snow and rainfall (we are designated to be in a drought cycle) have caused the water level to recede. It is noted that no one has been controlling the water level, other than natural causes.
Door Prize: Lee Heine won the embroidered tea towel (lettering "Red Rock Lake") made by
Carol McCannon.
Meeting adjourned: ll:20am. Respectfully Submitted by Roger McCannon,Secretary


Board Meeting Minutes 1/20/2024


May 2023 Minutes