Board Meeting Minutes 1/20/2024

Board Meeting Minutes, January 20, 2024
Members Present: Gary Waller, Dave Zabel, Todd Fick, Roger McCannon, Kathy
Eystad, Les Kruse, Richard Pautsch. Others Present—Jamey Eystad, Carol McCannon

1. Carp Removal: Gary reported that nothing has changed, i.e., there is no market for the carp, and Terry Miller (the netter) has stated that the logistics of manpower, transportation, and costs are not favorable at this time.
2. Gary announced that both Roger (Secretary) and Todd (Treasurer) will be "retiring" from their positions at the end of the Annual Meeting in July. Notices will be posted on Facebook and the Website seeking replacements.
3. Kathy noted that the road signs used to announce the Annual Meeting need repair, updating or replacing. She will look into costs to replace. She will also look into getting car stickers for the Red Rock Association members.
4. Todd gave a financial report: checking--$4,793.61, Savings--$3,121.93, Walleye Stocking Fund-$1,831.55 for a total of $9,747.09.
5. Walleye Stocking: by unanimous consent, the board passed a motion to commit another $3,500 for stocking in 2024 (October).
6. Ditch Cleanout: on behalf of Urness Township, Richard asked for a contribution from the Association to help with expenses. Following discussion, the Board passed a motion by Dave and 2nd by Kathy to contribute $500.
7. By Laws: Roger pointed out that the Association's Bylaws have not been revised/updated since ?????? (longtime ago). On a motion by Dave, 2 nd by Kathy, the Board approved a process to proceed drafting a revised edition to be presented for adoption at the 2024 Annual Meeting.
8. Annual Meeting Guest Speaker: Gary reminded everyone to be thinking about a possible speaker for the meeting.
9. Next Meeting: Saturday, March 16, 2024, location TBD.
Respectfully submitted, Roger McCannon, Secretary


April 20th Board Minutes


2023 Annual Meeting Minutes