Annual Meeting Minutes July 6, 2019

Red Rock Lake Association Annual Meeting July 6, 2019
Board Members Present:
Gary Waller, President
Kathy Eystad
Luke Thompson
Bob Bowden
Roger McCannon
Barb Kirtz, Treasurer
Marsha Parrish, Secretary

Gary Waller, President, called the meeting to order at 1000.
Pledge of allegiance to our flag, by all.
Gary introduced the board members and reiterated that we need additional board members for the
following year.
Marsha read the minutes from the annual Board meeting, 2018. Members are encouraged to read
Board meeting minutes throughout the year on the Red Rock Lake Association web site:
Barb read the financial. Currently the asset total is $7707.26 Barb reported we have 57 members at this
time. A full report is on file.
Gary reported carp removal was not as successful as in the past. Terry Miller removed 3500 lbs this
spring, but there is no place to bring them since the processing plant in Iowa is closed and that was the
only market available at this time. Gary reported Dean Beck could not find a buyer, and had to release
carp back into lake Traverse.
Gary called for other ideas for ridding carp:
Netting and bury
Coi virus
carp tournament
hiring private carp company
trap in slough
* * *
Discussion ensued regarding above options. Trapping in our slough is very difficult to regulate. Coi virus
was pretty successful on Freeborn Lake one year ago. Luke reiterated the tournament we had 4 or 5
years ago was not very successful at that time. Gary suggested option of paying private trappers, but
they have no where to dispose of carp. Gary reported that Dean Beck is thinking of building a plant,
The DNR stocks walleye on odd years, and will be stocking fingerlings this year. Gary posed we stock
walleye on the even years. The Glenwood fisheries must approve of our stocking.
Gary reported a creole survey was done a few weeks ago. Nets were set to determine how fish are
flourishing. A full report will be on the DNR web site next spring. A creole survey is done every 5 years.
Gary reported that sunfish are predator of carp eggs, and posed the question: should we stock sunfish?
Discussion ensued. Gary will inquire regarding stocking sunfish.
Question was posed: If we trap carp, do minnows come back? Answer: yes, carp can spawn more than
once a year, and they stay in the nursery for 2 years.
Gary reported the township is not dealing with calcium chloride any longer. Anyone that wants calcium
chloride can contact private applicators. It was suggested there are alternative applications, such as
pulverized granite or soy based products. Gary suggested anyone interested in further discussion should
attend the township meeting which convenes every year, 2ni Tuesday in March.
The question was posed, is there a speed limit on our gravel road? Gary reported there is, 30 mph, and
it is posted at the beginning of the gravel road by the T.
Luke posed the question, should we place a volunteer slot limit sign by the boat landing? Discussion
ensued. Motion was made to place a volunteer 171/2 " slot limit sign, seconded, and passed
Gary encouraged shoreline restoration. Residents should try to keep as much natural shoreline as
Gary reported water testing is done 5 times a year, May thru August. Two have been taken so far this
year and sent to RMB labs. Testing is being done for zebra muscles this year. Last year, no zebra
muscles reported in our lake. Zebra muscle test is free.

Paul Wolfe has moved from our lake, and will no longer be taking lake level samples. Les
it now, every going to

Gary reported three Board members terms are up. Roger McGannon will continue. Bob Bowden will
continue, Luke is finished this year. Les Kruse volunteered, motion was made, seconded and passed
unanimously to have Les Kruse as a new Board member.
Gary thanked Ritch Pautsch for his help with lake testing and Mona Oszos for her help with the directory
Todd Fick and Dave Zabel volunteered to be Board members. Motion was made, seconded and
approved unanimously to add them to our Board.
Roger McGannon thanked Gary Waller for all of his hard work on the Board.
Sherry Norby gave information for anyone interested in ordering Red Rock Lake t-shirts and sweatsh
Meeting adjourned at 1134
Pot Luck Lunch followed.
Respectfully submitted
Marsha Parrish


Board Meeting Minutes for May 28th, 2021