Board Meeting Minutes for May 28th, 2021

Members Present: Gary Waller, Todd Fick, Bob Bowden, Kathy Eystad, Roger
McCannon, Marsha Parrish, Dave Zabel, Les Kruse.

1. New Website: Motion by Bob, seconded by Marsha to approve the contract for
a new website with Terrace, LLC for one year; motion was passed by consensus.
The cost will be $1250 (one time) to develop the site, and $37 a month for hosting
and service. Discussion followed about possible ways to raise money to cover
annual costs, e.g. selling sweatshirts, raising dues, etc..
2. Annual Dues: Discussion was held about the possibility of raising dues to $35
next year (2022). There are currently 57 members. If so, we should announce it to
the members at this year's Annual Meeting, or post it on the new website. Todd
said he would do a cost-benefit analysis.
3. 2021Directory: Advertising is all be complete for the Directory and it's ready to
go to the printer. [NOTE: Roger & Todd met with Quality Printing in Alex, and the
process is underway]. It will be ready in time to distribute at the Annual Meeting.
Bob and Les volunteered to take a copy to each of the advertisers.
4. Annual Meeting: The 2021Annual Meeting will be held July 10 at the
Kensington Runestone Park at 10:00AM. The agenda will be developed. No
potluck will be held after the meeting.
5. Next Board Meeting: None scheduled at this time.
Respectfully submitted by Roger McCannon on June 15, 2021


Board Meeting Minutes for April 17th, 2021


Annual Meeting Minutes July 6, 2019