Board Meeting Minutes, August 27, 2021

Red Rock Lake Association
Board Meeting Minutes, August 27, 2021
Members Present: Gary Waller, Bob Bowden, Roger McCannon, Dave Zabel, Todd
Fick, Les Kruse.

1. Treasurers Report: Todd stated that following the Annual Meeting we now
have 66 members. He said T-shirt/Sweat shirt sales totaled $2313, and netted
$417 for the Association. There is currently $2870.31in checking and $6817.24 in
savings for a total of$9687.55. A copy of the 2021Directories have been delivered
to each of the advertisers listed in it.

2. Annual Meeting Review: Feedback on the meeting has been very positive,
noting the large attendance, excellent guest speaker (Shane Osborne), and Q & A
format and discussion on a wide range of topics. Carp removal seemed to be the
#1issue, along with Walleye stocking, rental fish houses, and water quality.

3. Board Discussion: The balance of the meeting was pretty much about getting
rid of Carp. We want to make a concerted effort to address the issue. To begin,
the new director of Glenwood Fisheries will be contacted once they are on-board
in September. Also, the US Fish & Wildlife Service regional office will be contacted
for information. Re-construction of the grate at the ditch will be looked into, as
well as a barrier at the head of the ditch will be considered. Cost estimates will be
needed. Carp Solutions ( is a new company specializing in
removal—info will be posted on our website about them.

4. Next Board Meeting: To be scheduled sometime in October or November.

Respectfully submitted by Roger McCannon


Board Meeting Minutes, October 29 2021


Annual Meeting Minutes - July 10th, 2021