Board Meeting Minutes: Jan 29, 2022
Red Rock Lake Association
Board Meeting Minutes,January 29, 2022
Members Present: Gary Waller, Dave Zabel,Bob Bowden, Les Kruse,Todd Fick,
Roger McCannon.
1. Annual Meeting: Gary has booked the facility at Runestone Park;date is July 9,
2022. No potluck lunch is planned, and several leads will be pursued for a
2. Carp: again much discussion occurred on how to remove them from the lake:
a. reinstall the trap at the ditch culvert
b. pursue the possibility of a "processing plant" with help from the Agricultural
Utilization Research Institute ( AURI is a state agency focused on creating new
businesses in Minnesota).
c. stock Northerns & Sunfish to eat small Carp.
d. seign them out and bury them.
On a motion by Bob, 2nd by Dave it was unanimously passed to authorize Gary to
contact Terry Miller and negotiate a price to seign them out. Todd will call the
DNR Office to secure a permit.
3. Douglas County Lakes Association:Time was taken to go over a survey that
DCLA has sent to all the affiliated associations asking for feed back on it's work
and seeking priorities from the other associations. A copy of the results will be
posted on our website when it is received.
4. Board Member Terms: All eight board member positions are up forelection of
three-year terms, [somehow (blame it on the corona virus & no Annual Meeting
in 2020) terms did not get staggered since 2019.] We will figure out a staggering
of terms for the election at the Annual Meeting.
5. Next Meeting: Saturday, April 23, 2022.
Respectfully submitted by Roger McCannon