Annual Meeting Minutes

Red Rock Lake Association

Annual Meeting-July 9th, 2022

Board Members Present: Gary Waller, Pres., Dave Zabel, V.P. Todd Fick, Treasurer, Roger McCannon. Secretary, Les Kruse, Marsha Parish, Bob Bowen and Kathy Eystad. Also, there were 27 members and one speaker. 

Gary called the meeting to order at 10:00am and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Treasurers Report: Todd reported there is $1602.01 in checking, $6,818.25 in savings, for a total of $8420.26. He listed some of the areas of expenditures being: RMB Labs for water quality reporting, printing and mailing of announcements, and web site development and maintenance. He noted there are 68 members in 2021-22, with dues received of $1860.

Secretary’s Report: Roger gave a summary of Board meetings during the past year; the Board met 5 times. He reminded that the full minutes of each meeting are posted on the website[], and encouraged everyone to check this site for many other reports, studies; and announcements. He also thanked Jeff and Teresa Ewins for organizing a boat parade on July 2nd, with 18 entries.

Guest Speaker: Steve Henry, Program Manager with RMB Environmental Labs, provided a wealth of information about: diagnostic water testing; the effect of aquatic vegetation in our lake, which is low. He discussed the process of seeking grants for water quality improvements; briefly described the process of “lake turnover,” and suggested ways to improve shoreline restoration projects. 

Presidents Report: Gary highlighted many topics the Board dealt with during the past year. Those included an ongoing, concentrated effort for Carp removal. The Board met with Alex Letvin, DNR Supervisor of the Glenwood Fisheries; and had numerous meetings and phone contacts with Terry Miller, commercial fisherman about seining. Also, he and Dave Zabel described a “funnel system,” to rid the Carp through the culvert!.

Q&A Discussion: Most of the discussion was regarding Carp removal and potential grants or fund raising efforts to continue that effort. Also, there was a significant discussion and support about walleye stocking.

Board Member Election: Scott Rortvedt and Richard Pautsch were elected to the Board. We thank Bob Bowden and Marsha Parrish for their years of service on the board. The balance of current members will continue their terms for 3 more years. 

Meeting adjourned at 11:25am

Next Year’s annual meeting will be July 8th, 2023.

Respectfully Submitted, Roger McCannon, Secretary


Board Minutes July 30th, 2022


Board Meeting Minutes - May 28th, 2022