Board Minutes July 30th, 2022
Red Rock Lake Association
Board Meeting Minutes, July 30,2022
Members Present: Gary Waller, Richard Pautsch, Scott Rortvedt, Roger
McCannon, Todd Fick, Dave Zabel, Les Kruse, Kathy Eystad.
1. Treasurer's Report: Todd reported $2702.01in checking and $6818.25 in
savings—total $9520.26. He suggested that we do a "Reminder" mailing in
September for those who haven't yet paid their dues (and also include requests
for donations toward the cost of Walleye Stocking.)
2. Carp Grant: Gary stated he had received information on a possible grant for
carp removal from Alex Letvin, Glenwood Fisheries. Alex forwarded a memo from
the Board of Water and Soil Resources which included a contact for more
3. Ditch Cleanout: Gary also reported that Urness Township would possibly be
cleaning out the out-flow ditch, as it is full of bull rushes and not flowing well. He
also noted that Richard has been appointed to the Urness Township Board.
4. Walleye Stocking: At the 2022 Annual Meeting, there was a lot of support for
the Association to pay for stocking (on odd years, as the DNR stocks on even
years.) Todd moved and Kathy seconded a motion for allocating $3500 to contract
with Klug Fish Farm in Garfield to stock fingerlings in October. The motion was
approved unanimously with the understanding that the Brandon Sports Club will
reimburse us $500. Scott and Dave volunteered to contact Richard's Rentals and
Viking Sports Club for possible contributions to the stocking.
5. Next Meeting: Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. at Gary's house.
Respectfully Submitted, Roger McCannon, Secretary