Board Meeting Minutes - May 28th, 2022

Red Rock Lake Association

Board Meeting Minutes May 28, 2022

Members Present: Gary Waller, Dave Zabel, Marsha Parrish, Bob Bowden, Les

Kruse, Roger McCannon.

1. 2022 Annual Meeting: the meeting will be held at 10:00am, Saturday, July 9 at Runestone Park. The Guest Speaker will be Steve Henry, Project Manager for RMB Environmental Labs. RMB is the organization that tests water samples from the lake, and Les has volunteered to take the samples and submit them to RMB on a regular basis.

2. Board Elections: all current Board Members terms expire this year. Bob and Marsha have decided not to seek another term, the rest have expressed interest in continuing for another three-year term. Anyone interested in

serving on the Board should contact Gary or Roger.

3. Carp Update: due to costs and the unavailability of a market, nor a place to dispose of them, carp removal via seining won't happen this Spring. Gary did talk to Alex Letvin, from the Glenwood Fisheries and said the DNR is trying to form a coalition, or working group about carp, given that so many lakes are plagued with them.

4. Next Meeting: TBD

Respectively submitted by Roger McCannon

P.S. If anyone has an interest in serving on the Board of Directors, they should

contact Gary Waller or Roger McCannon prior to the Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting Minutes


Board Meeting Minutes - April 23d, 2022