Board Meeting Minutes for March 14th, 2020

Members Present: Gary Waller, Dave Zabel, Les Kruze, Bob Bowen, Todd Flck, Roger
McCannon. Others:Sharon Waller, and Charles (friend of Dave)

1.Election of Officers: Marsha Parish resigned as Secretary (she will remain on the Board);
subsequently, Roger McCannon was elected Secretary and Dave Zabel was elected Vice
2. Annual Meeting: Bob announced that Steve Henry, Chair of the DCLA will be our guest
speaker at the July 11meeting.
3. DCLA Meeting:Gary attended the last DCLA Meeting and reported that Dean Beck from
Glenwood Fisheries was the speaker and gave information on R&B Labs, stocking, and area
lakes clarity.
4. Dues for DCLA: motion was made & approved to continue paying annual dues to DCLA.
5. New Sign: Gary & Bob reported that the new sign for Voluntary Release of Walleyes over
/'“*N17" is up at the public access.
6. Land Restoration:Gary announced that Pheasants Forever has purchased 100 acres
bordering the southeast area of the lake to be set aside for no cattle. And Bob Johnson has
sold approximately 20 acres on the north side to the DNR to be restored as wetland.
7. Carp: Dave reported on carp netting & tagging on lakes in the Metro Area; which led to a
discussion about carp removal from our lake. Gary has been in frequent contact with Terry
Miller to pursue removal from our lake;there's a problem with no current market for them.
8. Other Discussions: more discussions were held about Blue Water Science and its aquatic
plant surveys;commercial ice house rentals on the lake—do they need a permit or not?
9. Next Meeting:the Board's next meeting will be at 4:30pm on Friday May22, at Gary's
House .

Respectfully submitted by Roger McCannon, Secretary


Annual Meeting Minutes - July 10th, 2021


Board Meeting Minutes for May 22, 2020