Board Minutes Nov. 19

Red Rock Lake Association
Board Meeting Minutes, November 19, 2022

Members Present: Gary Waller, Dave Zabel, Todd Fick, Roger McCannon, Richard Pautsch, and Scott Rortvedt. Also attending: Carol McCannon. Meeting held at Chewy's Coop in Hoffman.

1. Financials: Todd reported current balances of $2452.19 in checking and $3218.93 in savings for a total of $5671.12. He also reported a balance of $1310 in the "Walleye Stocking Fund."

2. Facebook: it was decided to keep the new Facebook group for members and families only.

3. Website: Roger stated that he will bring a report to our next meeting showing number of visits to the site.

4. Walleye Stocking: from all reports, all went well with stocking and 6 to 9 inch fingerlings have been observed alive and well.

5. Zebra Mussels: Scott volunteered to develop a template for everyone to use in reporting number of zebras found.

6. Carp: Dave and Gary will construct another trap next spring for the south culvert.

7. Ditch Cleanout: Richard reported that a permit has been obtained for cleaning out the ditch from the slough outlet in early December.

8. Next Meeting: is set for March 11, 2023; location TBD.

Respectfully Submitted: Roger McCannon, Secretary


Board Meeting March 25th, 2023


Board Minutes Sept. 24